Created in 2005, Lynays Entreprises has since specialized in the Intelligent Management of Energy Movements and Energy Saving. Our mission is to fill the energy deficit that hinders economic and social development, to reduce the environmental impact through targeted actions to achieve net 0 and the objectives of the Paris Agreements.

our Missions
Take an active part in achieving the objectives of the Paris Agreements by offering reliable, sustainable engineering solutions, and contribute to better management of the environment and society for Côte d'Ivoire and for all countries ECOWAS members
Enable access to energy and energy security
Control your costs and reduce your electricity bill
our Departments
Lynays Industries propose à sa clientèle la Technologie de Gestion Intelligente des Mouvements d’Energie (TGIME) et d’Eau (TGMEP), l’utilisation de sources d’Energies Renouvelables et maîtrisables telles que l’Energie Solaire – Economie d’Energie et Internet des Objets (IDO).
Lynays Services est chargé de la fourniture de l’électricité Haute, Moyenne et Basse Tension; de la fourniture d’équipements et de matériels sur mesure sur toute la chaine de valeur et de la maintenance préventive et curative.
Lynays Services is responsible for the supply of High, Medium and Low Voltage electricity; the supply of tailor-made equipment and materials throughout the value chain and preventive and curative maintenance.
our Targets
Public and state administrative buildings
Rural and regional communities
Tertiary sector
Residential sector
Agricultural sector
Industrial sector